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As a global business major, you will learn foundational business skills while focusing 在全球范围内的仆人式领导. 重点是政治和文化 diversity, within the framework of a Christian worldview, to prepare you for a wide variety of cross-cultural business opportunities and situations.

As businesses increasingly become global, there is a significant need for employees who are trained in international business and international studies. 您的全球业务 degree from SBU will prepare you to be a servant leader wherever you go, whether you work in a multinational corporation, pursue international entrepreneurial activity, 担任传教士或为全球非营利组织工作.

Career opportunities in global business are limitless, and SBU will work with you 发现你的激情,追求你的目标!

国际商务学位是通过SBU提供的 罗伯特W. 石膏商学院




(100% of SBU global business majors who graduated since 2019-2020 had employment in 毕业后三个月内进入他们的领域.)


Students in parade with banner that says 'Servant leaders in a global society'


  • 超过 75% of students in the business administration division complete at least one internship 在毕业前.
  • A unique blend of business classes with courses in intercultural studies, communications, and government will prepare you to work for international nonprofit organizations, international businesses or to start your own business overseas.
  • Study abroad opportunities and Center for Global 连接ions trips provide international experience and cultural appreciation opportunities with a missions focus.
  • Learn from your peers, many of whom are international students, through class discussions, 小组项目和学习会议.


Faculty are committed to intentionally integrating Christian faith in the classroom with the goal of producing future business leaders who are also servant leaders. 为 example, as an international business major, you will take a course in International Economics/Finance that uses the Poverty Cure video series to facilitate a Biblical 宝博体育全球贫困的讨论.

诗篇15 - SBU的专业课程学院和罗伯特W. 石膏商学院 have a 诗篇15 initiative, which provides intentional integration of faith and academic 纪律. Using 诗篇15 as a basis, the Colleges have identified eight character traits that should be the hallmark of the students and graduates. 这些字符 traits are emphasized in coursework and in a special lecture series. 高亮显示的 character traits are: Integrity, Service, Respect, Charity, 信仰fulness, Truthfulness, 谦逊与毅力.

道德与专业发展 — As part of an intentionally Christian education, students in the 罗伯特W. 石膏 College of Business take a senior-level course in 道德与专业发展. The course teaches Christian personal and professional ethics and equips students with life skills such as career development, etiquette, and servant leadership, with the goal of producing ethical business leaders who will be servant leaders in the 工作场所.



  • 埃森哲咨询公司
  • ]
  • 通用电气金融(荷兰)
  • 杰克亨利 & 的同事
  • J.M. 等公司
  • 海王星海事服务公司(澳大利亚)
  • 雀巢
  • 利洁时(布达佩斯)


Examples of organizations that have provided internships for our students:

  • 康尼格拉食品
  • 山姆会员店
  • 哈佛大学的网球学院





作为一名学生想要创业? 在SBU,你有机会接受 guidance and funding as you build a business while pursuing your degree. 我们的一个 students, Lillian, started a hair accessory business on Etsy and earned over $12,000 第一年的利润! 你甚至有机会为你的生意赚到钱 通过Jumpstart创业大赛.


Sentrepact is an opportunity for you to mentor high school students as they partner 与社区的当地企业合作. 你将把你学到的技能 from the classroom into practice through partnering with high school students and 就如何改善商业伙伴关系提供建议.

的 is an international honor society established to recognize superior 工商管理专业学生的学业成绩. 的目的 Delta is to promote higher scholarship in education for business, and to recognize 并奖励商业科目的学术成就. Delta是只接受邀请的 society for juniors and seniors in the top 20% of their class with a minimum GPA of 3.25.


金融管理协会(FMA) offers amazing opportunities for business students. In the SBU FMA chapter, students have the opportunity to meet and network with local finance professionals, engage in investment competitions, participate in community 服务,并与SBU对等体建立网络. 作为FMA这个全国性组织的成员, students gain access to FMA's extensive online library, online forecasting competition, job posting board, and international networking and award opportunities.


美国未来商业领袖协会(FBLA) is the largest career student business organization 在这个世界上. FBLA有1万多名成员和500多个分会. 

SBU's FBLA chapter consistently excels at the yearly state and national competitions, 到目前为止,有58次进入全国前十!



专业课程学院和罗伯特. 石膏商学院 offer many privately funded scholarship opportunities for their students. 在一次 recent academic year, more than $89,000 was awarded in private scholarships to students 从这些大学级别的奖学金. 提供的奖学金包括:

  • 贝克汉姆纪念奖学金
  • 比尔 & 日内瓦·威廉姆斯纪念奖学金
  • 商学院奖学金
  • 克利福德 & 玛丽·古日纪念奖学金
  • 克雷迪尔家庭奖学金
  • 德克斯特·耶格商业奖学金
  • 不 & 琼·伍兹捐赠奖学金
  • Dr. B.E. 克拉克杰出会计学生奖学金
  • 加里 & 简·布莱克优秀奖学金
  • 格拉迪斯·亨德森纪念奖学金
  • 梅尔文 & 米妮·霍尔纪念奖学金
  • 内布拉斯加州图书公司奖学金
  • Ralph Stufflebam纪念奖学金
  • Ruby Letsch-Roderique商业奖学金


罗伯特·W. 石膏商学院 is housed in the Gene Taylor National Free 企业中心. The 泰勒中心 was expanded and renovated to provide the following 对学生的好处:

  • Increased number of dedicated study areas and presentation rooms that can be reserved 提前
  • Keycard access for certain majors increases building security while allowing you to access space and equipment after hours to effectively study and work on group projects
  • 学生休息室和开放空间,学习,放松和闲逛